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Season's Greetings to all of our festival and event staff!

Posted on 20 Dec 2013

To all D.C. Site Services Staff, 2013 has been a very busy year! As well as covering our usual events, Glastonbury, Golf Live, Baishakhi Mela, Royal Welsh Show, Glastonbudget, We are Festival, Taste of London and Christmas, Beatherder, 2000 Trees, Latitude, Lounge on the Farm, Reading and Leeds Festival, Carfest South, Big Feastival, Proms in the Park  and several Firework events, we also sent staff to Ireland for Oxegen 2013 and Electric Picnic. We have added many new smaller events to our list ... read more

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Thank you... and thank you for this year. At a residents meeting in Remenham last week with all the promoters in the area, Rewind, Swim, Regatta, Copas and Festival the residents complained about everyone except they said the Festival traffic was perfect and should be an example to all the others. So well done!

John Harris
Henley Festival