The latest news from DC Site Services

DC Site Services’ Glastonbury Photo Comp Winner!

Posted on 11 Jul 2024

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone for entering this year’s Glastonbury photo competition. This year’s winner is Yasmin Jensen! It’s a simple pic but a good one. Flags, sunset… classic festival vibes. There’s a prize on its way to you, Yasmin! We’ve a few honourable mentions, Danny Jago, Amanda Lawler, Paul O’Mara and Polly-Ann McGinty. By no means give up your day jobs but you certainly all have a talent for taking photos! ... read more

DC Site Services Staff Payment Schedule!

Posted on 09 Jul 2024

As much as we all love the experience of working at an event or festival, the big question still remains… when’s pay day?! For ALL event and festival work, DC Site Services pays on a fortnightly basis with a cut-off of each Saturday. This means that if you are working Monday>Monday, in the first pay run post-event you would be paid for work completed Monday up to and including the Saturday. Work on the Sunday and following Monday would be in the next pay run, two weeks later. We’ve a busy sea ... read more

Our Clients include...

BBC Henley Festival IMG Glastonbury Festival Republic Royal Windsor Horse Show Silverstone

I wanted to send a personal message of thanks to you and your team for all their hard work in assisting with the delivery of the broadcast recording at Whitby Abbey. 

From my perspective, I tried incredibly hard to impress on everyone involved in the production just how important it was to ‘leave no trace’ and I have been thrilled to hear the feedback that has suggested we were largely successful in that quest.  The way the venue was kept spotless and ‘sanitised’ is a credit to you and your on-site colleagues – so well done.

It was an absolute pleasure to work with DC Site Services again and both Frankie and I look forward to doing so again in the future.

Dick Tee
EnTEEtainment Ltd

Our Clients include...

BBC Henley Festival IMG Glastonbury Festival Republic Royal Windsor Horse Show Silverstone

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