Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023

Coming up we have our second big peak of the festival season for 2023 and that’s the August bank holiday weekend! We’ll be spread out across Reading, Leeds and the Big Feastival with approximately x250 DC crew working over the three locations.
With so much going on at once, what better time for another DC photo competition! Rules are the same as usual:
- Make sure all photos are safe for work.
- Make sure the photos are IN FOCUS
- Bonus points for any group staff pictures
- Submit as many pictures as you like.
Simply send them in to by Thursday 31st and we’ll announce on Friday the 1st who took the winning snap, and a prize will be sent out to the winner.
We’d also like to ask staff to have a think about the season as a whole and to keep an eye out for the staff surveys due in the next month or so…