Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2023

Whether it’s a caravan or campervan, a group of mates wanting to work together or a request to leave a day early or arrive a day late, the time to make these requests is NOW. If you rock up to a festival site hoping to run this request by the Manager, you run the risk of disappointment or worst-case scenario, being turned away from the site.
Event compounds only have so much room, if you’re hoping to bring a campervan our office team can look into how much room is available. If you want to work with a friend, the office can review teams ahead of time. If you have an exam, hospital appointment or wedding that conflicts with the beginning or end of the festival, we can review our staffing numbers ahead of time to authorise either a late arrival or early departure.
None of this can be arranged on the day and an unauthorised departure can affect your future applications. Be sure to get in contact with the office team ASAP if you need to discuss your applications. You can then arrive onsite with peace of mind knowing that you have a spot for your campervan already reserved!