
Going to a good cause…

Posted on Friday, January 20, 2023

In between cleaning and making friends with the reindeer while at Bolesworth, our crew managed to collect a total of 39 discarded hats, 14 pairs of gloves, 11 scarves, 1 dog coat and a pair of earmuffs while working the Christmas trail!

Left unclaimed and now freshly laundered by Joanne, these have been donated to the mother and baby unit of the Lighthouse Project in Spalding, a homeless shelter that provides emergency food and works to help vulnerable people displaced within the community.

Good work crew.

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Thanks to Sam and the team, who did a great job this year, the land owners are very happy and the site was cleanest it has ever been during the event, a combination of your team and the green goblets.

Mark Gardiner, Production Manager
2000 Trees