Posted on Friday, November 24, 2023

With the Government’s announcement of the national minimum wage increase we’d like to clarify what it is you can expect from DC Site Services in terms of pay in the new financial year.
As you may be aware, in 2021 we made the decision to pay our crew at least 50 pence above any national minimum wage increase and we continued this into 2022. These are small steps in an effort to recognise the hard work of our crew, but they are years in the making.
Looking forward, from April 2024 the new national minimum wage will be £11.44, therefore the new crew rate will be 50p higher at £11.94 + £1.44 holiday (paid concurrently) which will give crew a take home of £13.38 per hour before deductions.
Let’s enjoy the festive period, and then its onto the new season!