
Live from Glastonbury Festival!

Posted on Friday, June 24, 2022

Glastonbury Festival has kicked off amid great fanfare, fireworks and druidic ceremony. Nobody can believe it’s been 3 long years since the last Glastonbury Festival. It’s great to see so many familiar faces amongst our crew from past Glastonbury’s and a warm welcome to anyone attending the festival with us for the first time.

Our dedicated team have been relentlessly parking campervans in the East Campervan Fields and Bath & West showground. Their main focus is ensuring parking lines are straight, fire lanes are clear and accessible for emergency vehicles.

Also, a big shout out to everyone on fire watch up on fire towers in the East Campervan Fields and Bath & West. If you see any of our campervan stewards, make sure to say hello!

We also wanted to say a Happy 25th Glastonbury anniversary to Wendy!

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DC Site Services is continually on hand throughout the development and planning of any Festival working with the Site Management team to ensure a successful and efficient delivery of the waste management!

Chrissie Gilbert
Kew the Music