
DC’s New logo & 1 week to go to the calendar launch!

Posted on Friday, March 26, 2021

This is a year of change for DC Site Services and we’re keen to bring you along with us. One of those first subtle changes is our NEW LOGO! You’ll see on the website and on DCSS PAAM that our updated logo is now live, and we feel this matches the new streamlined approach we intend to take with how we operate moving forwards, both onsite and at the office. We’d like to say a special thank you to Elliot Hawker, the web designer who created the logo. Thank you, Elliot.

There have also been changes amongst the team, and we are sad to say goodbye for now to Ed Hawker, Head of Operations, who will be leaving his role at the end of the month. After much deliberation Ed has decided on a new venture by starting a business of his own. Ed will continue to support DC where he can and will still be a familiar face onsite, but please join us in wishing Hawker Garden Services the absolute best in this new venture!

We are, however, pleased to welcome back to the team Scott Mason, an already familiar face to many of our crew. He will be taking up the position of Operations Manager, joining the office team in guiding DC forwards into this new era. Welcome back, Scott.

Finally! There is only ONE WEEK TO GO until the 2021 event schedule is launched! On April 5th you’ll be able to see which Events & Festivals you’ll be able to apply for when applications open up towards the end of April, giving you ample time to plan out your season!

Without doubt, DC services is a professional and personable company who cater for our cleaning needs with the utmost efficiency.

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