
Keeping in touch!

Posted on Wednesday, June 3, 2020

For many of us, we can’t help but think about which festivals we’d ordinarily be working at right now, the desperate amongst us even setting up tents in our back gardens! The hardest part of lockdown has undoubtedly been missing our friends and family, working at the festivals has never just been a job, it’s also a way of forging long-lasting relationships with people we might not otherwise meet – people you may be missing right now. So, because of this, we’d like to touch base with some familiar faces (or people you may only recognise by name or by the sound of their voice over the phone/radio) to say a virtual hello.

This week we’ve caught up with Dan and Summer whom you may recognise from both the office and from working onsite. Summer has used this time to try her hand at a plant-based diet, experimenting with new recipes and meat substitutes, while Dan has used his time to complete an online Health & Safety course which he hopes to incorporate into his work in the future. More hilariously, while the gyms are closed Dan has substituted the weight bench for Summer’s legs as ballast (clever!) and has also become an amateur hair bleacher for Summer, who, unfortunately decided to go platinum blonde just before the salons closed (bad luck there, Summer).

As lock-down restrictions have eased, Dan and summer have made the most of their time by exploring the countryside, going for walks and picnics and have even booked their next holiday abroad (ever the optimists!)

We’d also love to hear from some of regular crew! If you’d like to share a little about how you’ve been keeping, then simply email in a few words and an (appropriate) image that you feel best sums up this experience for you and we will share this with the rest of the DC family.

Keep well, and we hope to hear from you!

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Just a quick note to say thank you for sending a great team on site last week. Under terrible conditions over the weekend they did a fantastic job.

Maggie Swain
Castle Media