
Catching up with David & Jane!

Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Last week we touched base with Dan and Summer in an effort to keep our DC family connected until such a time that we can all meet safely again soon, in a field somewhere, sometime in the near future.

This week we’re touching base with two more DC regulars, Dave and Jane! Dave and Jane have worked with DC for the past five years and can usually be spotted at Glastonbury, in fancy dress (of course) killing it on shift and giving the young’uns a run for their money!

Not ones to stay sedentary and being lucky enough to live in lovely Cumbria, they’ve spent their time bike riding and ‘wild swimming’ (open water swimming), and with the use of Zoom they’ve managed to stay in touch with family and even celebrated Dave’s 80th Birthday lockdown-style!

Dave and Jane have also been big supporters of the NHS and keyworkers during this difficult time and have led the charge in their street, in fancy dress and face paint, banging drums and adapting the lyrics of “We will rock you” to “NHS we love you” with their neighbours. We honestly expect nothing less from these two.

Not only has this meant getting to know their neighbours in the area a little better, but it’s also inspired them to put on their own ‘social distancing gig’ for the old folks home across the road with neighbours previously unknown to them. The neighbours on the ukulele, and Dave and Jane on the kazoos. You can probably see why Dave and Jane are two of our favourites.

 We would love to hear from more of you. If you’d like to share how it is you’ve been keeping busy (though Dave and Jane have provided stiff competition, admittedly) then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Keep safe, everyone.

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I wanted to write personally to say a huge thank you to you and your brilliant team for all your hard work to enable to deliver, in such a short space of time, a wonderful Royal Windsor Horse Show.

When we started the planning, we honestly had no idea whether we could or could not run and had so many changes it must have made it almost impossible for your team – however as always they adapted and overcame the many hurdles that we presented, with a smile and a complete can do attitude and many people are saying that it was one of the best show’s that they have ever been to.

Everybody I have spoken to has said how fantastic the cleaning was and that the loos were immaculate, and the showground looked as good on the last day as it did on the first day – which is exactly what any organiser strives to achieve. Nothing was ever too much trouble and everything was delivered with a smile. Your cleaners were tremendous once again. Even with the date change and the added bonus (!) of COVID everything was delivered on time.

Nick Brooks-Ward
H Power