
Updated Environmental Policy

Posted on Thursday, May 2, 2019

DC Site Services is aware that operating its business has a significant impact on the environment. It is therefore essential that all parties concerned, either within or outside our organisation, combine their efforts to both recognise and reduce the impact our operations have upon it.


To this end we at DC Site Services Limited commit to the following statements:


  • The company is committed to comply with and where possible exceed the current requirements of environmental legislation and approved codes of practice.


  • To expect clients to employ similar environmental standards in the planning of their own operations.


  • To coordinate with event sustainability co-coordinators to improve recycling facilities at events.


  • To divert up to 100% of waste from landfill.


  • To use where possible suppliers who have similar environmental policies to our own.


  • To use where possible environmentally friendly cleaning products.


  • To recognise noise as a form of pollution and reduce it as much as possible.


  • We will frequently review this policy and as a company we constantly strive to discover new ways to reduce environmental impact.


  • To operate our business in a manner that is sensitive to the needs and concerns of the people and the surrounding environment.


  • To use where practical the latest technology to develop sound environmentally conscious means of providing our services.


  • To integrate environmental issues into our decision making, whilst recognising that business concerns might affect the course of action.


  • Where practical reduce or eliminate pollution


  • To continually look for ways to improve our business and reduce our environmental impact.


  • To educate and train our employees in the use of environmentally conscious practices, recognising that no matter what their roles are, they are also responsible for protecting the environment.


  • To set and achieve our environmental objectives and targets.




We have implemented the following changes to help reduce our impact on the environment:


  • We have decreased the amount of single use plastic bin liners we use by having our bin bags custom made onto rolls, this means that we use less bags and this reduces the number of bags we end up wasting.


  • Encourage all staff to use reusable cups for hot drinks, to eliminate the use of disposal cups.


  • Stop the purchase of single use sachets sugar, coffee and milk portions – Providing tea/coffee/sugar in canisters instead.


  • Reduce reliance on single use water bottles by encouraging all staff to bring their own reusable water bottles. These can then be refilled at taps or from bowsers on site. Where this isn’t possible drinks in cans will be provided.


  • Encourage staff to bring their own Metal Cutlery instead of relying on disposable cutlery.


  • Encourage staff to bring their own bowl & plate for staff meals to reduce the amount of disposable packaging.


  • Reduce the amount of paper & ink we use by emailing required site documents instead of printing.


  • Collecting waste oil from sites where it has been left behind, this is then sent to be re-processed into diesel.


  • Looking at the amount of single use plastics we use, and where possible reduce this (such as meal deal sandwiches, fruit in excessive packaging etc.


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I wanted to write personally to say a huge thank you to you and your brilliant team for all your hard work to enable to deliver, in such a short space of time, a wonderful Royal Windsor Horse Show.

When we started the planning, we honestly had no idea whether we could or could not run and had so many changes it must have made it almost impossible for your team – however as always they adapted and overcame the many hurdles that we presented, with a smile and a complete can do attitude and many people are saying that it was one of the best show’s that they have ever been to.

Everybody I have spoken to has said how fantastic the cleaning was and that the loos were immaculate, and the showground looked as good on the last day as it did on the first day – which is exactly what any organiser strives to achieve. Nothing was ever too much trouble and everything was delivered with a smile. Your cleaners were tremendous once again. Even with the date change and the added bonus (!) of COVID everything was delivered on time.

Nick Brooks-Ward
H Power