
DC's Green Initiative

Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2019

In DC’s continuing effort to lead by example and to uphold our Environmental policy, we’ve implemented the following changes to help reduce our impact on the environment.

We encourage staff to bring their own metal cutlery instead of relying on disposable cutlery provided

We’re looking to bring in reusable water bottles to replace single use plastic bottles

Staff are provided with one single use water bottle which they can then refill at taps (dependant on water being available on site)

We have now phased out the use of sachets and milk portions. Instead, providing tea/coffee/sugar in canisters instead

We provide all staff with reusable cups for hot drinks, to eliminate the use of disposal cups

We have decreased the amount of single use plastic bin liners we use by having our bin bags custom made onto rolls, this means that we use less bags and this reduces the number of bags we end up wasting

Increasing the amount of glass recycling on the sites we service by segregating all glass and taking this away from General Waste

Follow our social media to stay abreast of these new and on-going developments!

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Thank you... and thank you for this year. At a residents meeting in Remenham last week with all the promoters in the area, Rewind, Swim, Regatta, Copas and Festival the residents complained about everyone except they said the Festival traffic was perfect and should be an example to all the others. So well done!

John Harris
Henley Festival