
Get Ready for August!

Posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2018

We’d like to give a big shout out to Dylan, one of our Project Managers who was recently injured at an event (the perils of waste management!) He’s doing just fine at home with a G&T, resting his leg like a total legend. We’ll see you back in the field in a week’s time!

The show must go on! August is looming and with it plenty of opportunities. Take a peek at what we have coming up…


  • Eastern Electrics (Morden) 4th>5th Aug
  • Great Pilgrimage 90th Anniversary (Belgium!) 7th>8th Aug
  • Arts House/Ajunadeep (London) 11th>12th Aug
  • Battle Proms Ragley Hall (Alcester) 11th Aug
  • Elrow Town (London) 18th>22nd Aug
  • Leeds Festival 22nd>28th Aug
  • Carfest South (Hampshire) 24th>31st Aug
  • Big Feastival (The Cotswolds) 24th>28th Aug
  • Electric Picnic (paid & volunteer positions! Ireland) 31st>3rd Sep
  • Heritage Live – Wrest Park

As always, give the office a bell if you have any queries!

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I wanted to send a personal message of thanks to you and your team for all their hard work in assisting with the delivery of the broadcast recording at Whitby Abbey. 

From my perspective, I tried incredibly hard to impress on everyone involved in the production just how important it was to ‘leave no trace’ and I have been thrilled to hear the feedback that has suggested we were largely successful in that quest.  The way the venue was kept spotless and ‘sanitised’ is a credit to you and your on-site colleagues – so well done.

It was an absolute pleasure to work with DC Site Services again and both Frankie and I look forward to doing so again in the future.

Dick Tee
EnTEEtainment Ltd