
The Showman's Show 2016

Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Showman's Show 2016

We’re happy to confirm that we will once again be in attendance at the Showman’s Show on the 19th & 20th October.

We’re also pleased to announce that Festiwork, a unique start-up specializing in organising large groups of presentable, committed students and young workers will be joining us at the Showman’s Show this year. They will be joining us to ensure that we do not neglect our colleagues in Europe!

You can find us at stand number 193 – Avenue D.

We’ll have tea, coffee and ale on standby so come and say hello!

We made it…

This summer season has come and gone in a flash and has proven to be the busiest yet for DC Site Services.

We have increased the number of Events & Festivals we provided our services to by almost 50% compared to last year.

By the end of last year we had provided Waste Management & Cleaning, Traffic Management and Stewarding services to eighty four different Events & Festivals. This year, we have surpassed this mark and serviced one hundred and twenty eight Events & Festivals with more on the horizon as we move into autumn and winter.

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration

The Queens 90th Birthday CelebrationOne of the highlights of this season so far has been without a doubt providing waste management and cleaning services to the Royal Windsor Horse Show and the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration!

Though we were not knighted, DC Site Services was all the same thrilled at the opportunity to work with such a prestigious event organiser. Fingers crossed we will be providing our services at Her Majesty’s 100th!

Events & Festivals this year included…

A jam packed calendar this year included events such as the Major Series, Active Essex, Windsor Endurance & Yorkshire Warrior…

Born & Bred Festival, Dogs Trust Uxbridge, Wild Life Festival, Found Festival, Dogfest Cheshire, Live at Chelsea, Glastonbury Festival, Gloucester Festival of Polo, Taste of London and Henley Regatta…

The Keswick Mountain Festival, Glastonbudget Tribute Festival, Mutiny Festival and the Crick Boat Show…

Major Series Glastonbudget Festival Taste Festival
Bermondsey Carnival, 2000 Trees Festival, BSTK (Brownstock), Village Green, Latitude Festival, Kew the Music, Rochester Castle Concerts, Truck Festival, The Royal Welsh Show, Beatherder, Focus Holy Trinity, YNOT Festival, and Boishakhi Mela…

51st State, CEX Fest, The Social Festival, Boomtown Fair, Board Masters, V Festival Chelmsford, Leeds & Reading Festival, The Big Feastival, Electric Picnic, Handmade Fair, IAS Event and Westfest.

We also had the good fortune to work alongside a number of new clients including T in the Park, Build It Live Bicester, Leopallooza, the Eastbourne Airshow, HSBC School 7’s, Spartan Race, CRUK Marathons, Pretty Mudders and Race For Life. Japfest, Fordfest, TRAX, Junction 2, AEGON Open Tennis, Cereals, Pop-Up Hotel, Big Day Out, Priory Park Concerts, Battle Proms, BGL Funday, Jimmy’s Harvest Festival, Ramblin Man, Carfest North & Carfest South, Moondance Festival, BAE Systems, The AMP, CRUK Night Shine and Town & Gown 10K Cambridge.

With this mammoth schedule behind us we’ve now had the chance to take a breath and review our accomplishments for 2016 so far...

Our accomplishments for 2016 so far...

Taking into account all methods in which all waste has been moved off-site, in the space of eight months we have moved a total of…

2,062.705 Tonnes!

That’s more than two thousand tonnes of waste in just 243 days!

Waste Management BreakdownTraffic Management

We’re also very pleased with the progress we’ve made with Traffic Management so far this season which exceeds previous years. In total, DC Site services has parked a total of…

173,627 vehicles!

That’s one hundred and seventy three thousand, six hundred and twenty seven vehicles in 243 days (714 vehicles a day!)

Moving into Autumn & Winter…

With the bulk of the season behind us we’d like to remind all event organisers that your feedback is not only greatly appreciated, but helps us to better meet your requirements and fulfil your needs for future bookings. With that in mind, we will be sending out our Client Surveys in the near future and would value your input. Please keep an eye out for this survey coming within the next few months.

If you’d like to complete the Client Survey sooner rather than later then please click the below link to get a head start on everyone else…

ISO Accreditation

ISO AccreditationIn our previous Newsletter we discussed our goals to become fully ISO accredited. Our heavy workload this year will be utilised and has helped us in gathering evidence needed towards attaining this accreditation.

We are fully committed to this endeavour and hope to become fully accredited by the end of 2017.

The goal posts have moved, but the aim remains the same, to “make excellence a habit…”

Future Endeavours…

We are already looking towards 2017 and our aspirations for future seasons. In our next newsletter we hope to announce our intentions to expand our Operations team by bringing in new electronic systems to monitor our equipment and inventory and additional, qualified staff to drive this.

DC Site Services also hopes to continue to provide services to not only existing and new UK clients, but will also be opening our portfolio to the European festival market, actively looking to engage with promoters from overseas.

If we don’t see you at the Showman’s Show then we hope to work with you again soon!

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Always contactable, professional, keen to help with a joyful attitude

Sean Mcloughlin
Metal Culture