Posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thank you to those who joined us at the Iron Man Tournament in Weymouth. Congratulations to those of your who completed the 2.6 mile swim, 13 mile bike ride and 26 mile marathon – oh wait, we were directing the traffic (just as exhausting!) We’d also like to give a shout out to those who joined us at the Social Festival in Maidstone this past week, thank you!
No time for resting on your laurels just yet. Still to come is the BAE Systems Centenary, Ford Fest, TRAX, Tranz-mission/Hospitality and the CRUK Night Shine. All within the next two weeks so apply today. In October we have a number of London-based events coming up such as Tobacco Docks, the Cambridge 10K and Westfest. Apply soon to secure your positions as we move into autumn.