
The Big Day Out added to the Event Calendar!

Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Big Day Out added to the Event Calendar!

We’d like to give a big shout out to everyone who joined us at the Royal Windsor Horse Show and Windsor Endurance this past week. The weather fluctuated from sunny and warm, to downright torrential but your work remained consistently good, so thank you.

The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that a few new events have been added to the schedule; The Big Day Out and Dogstrust Uxbridge. These events take place in June, in Kent and Uxbridge respectively. Make sure you get your applications in soon via DCSS PAAM to avoid any disappointment!

Also be sure to take a look at the Events & Festivals taking place over June and July as these are shaping up to be a very busy couple of months!

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Thank you... and thank you for this year. At a residents meeting in Remenham last week with all the promoters in the area, Rewind, Swim, Regatta, Copas and Festival the residents complained about everyone except they said the Festival traffic was perfect and should be an example to all the others. So well done!

John Harris
Henley Festival