
2015 Event Jobs with Luna Cinema, at V-Festival, Reading Festival, Leeds Festival and the Big Feastival!

Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2015

DC Site Services traffic staff working at the Glastonbury Festival

The past week has been one of our busiest so far this summer! We've had teams working at Mutiny Festival, Truck Festival, Beat-Herder Festival and the Royal Welsh Show!

We're always pushed and pulled when we have multiple events on at the same time but we'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been working with us! You've been doing a fantastic job for us and our clients, and almost always with a smile which is at least half the battle!

If you're looking for event work and would like to join us we've got more events fast approaching, including the Luna Cinema events at Ascot Racecourse and Leeds Castle next week, then moving into August we have V-Festival, Reading Festival, Leeds Festival and the Big Feastival! 

Please head over to DCSS PAAM to apply for event jobs.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch!

comments powered by Disqus unbelievably massive thank you to you both personally, and to your amazing team for all your help in making The 75th Anniversary of Victory in Japan Day such an unbelievable and resounding success [...] 

the service that Sammi and her team provided for guests and veterans was above and beyond, especially in these economically and professionally challenging times [...] Thank you so much and hopefully we will work again soon.


Nick Brooks-Ward
H Power