
The new DC Site Services Head Office and Winterville 2014!

Posted on Friday, November 21, 2014

New 2014 DC Site Services office

We're very pleased to be able to let you all know that DC Site Services' head office in Peterborough has moved!

You can now find us at:

Fenland District Estate, Station road, Whittlesey, PE7 2EY

Or if you'd like to drop in for a cuppa, it's the first right after the train tracks!

The move follows the continual growth of the company in recent years, and needless to say we are very pleased that we will no longer have to climb over one another to reach the coffee machine!

Also, whilst we're chatting...

Applications for Winterville are still open!

Winterville is only a few weeks away and we have a variety of jobs available at the event. If you'd like to register your interest then please apply as normal through your DCSS PAAM profile.

Winterville is a month-long event, we’ll be sending out more information about the event soon including the work schedules.

If you'd like to let us know details of your availability for the event please email these through to our admin email address.

comments powered by Disqus unbelievably massive thank you to you both personally, and to your amazing team for all your help in making The 75th Anniversary of Victory in Japan Day such an unbelievable and resounding success [...] 

the service that Sammi and her team provided for guests and veterans was above and beyond, especially in these economically and professionally challenging times [...] Thank you so much and hopefully we will work again soon.


Nick Brooks-Ward
H Power