
A big thank you to our 2014 Electric Picnic, Big Feastival and Brownstock Festival staff and volunteers!

Posted on Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2014 Electric Picnic Festival - Beck on main stage by Jamie Tanner

We would like to send out a big thank you to everyone who worked with us at Electric Picnic! With the increased numbers attending the festival in 2014 we found the car parks and buses very full, although despite the additional work all of our staff met the challenge and made a difficult job very enjoyable. Since leaving the festival we've been looking at the aerial photos and are proud to say the parking and traffic management was some of the tidiest we've seen!

We'd also like to send out a special mention to our volunteers for helping us throughout the weekend and for making the Friday of the festival a little easier. In particular, we'd like to thank Michelle Doyle for organising our volunteers and ensuring that everyone got where they needed to be at the right time.

Another big thank you must go out to our friends at McKnight Events Services in Belfast for keeping the Electric Picnic car parks running smoothly overnight. We enjoyed working with you all and welcoming you to the DC Site Services team!

Electric Picnic hasn't been the only festival we've been working with in the past week, so another huge thank you to the stellar staff who worked with us at the Big Feastival and Brownstock Festival!

Helen, the site manager for Brownstock, would like us to send out a special thank you on her behalf to everyone who worked with DC Site Services at Brownstock Festival.

Jonathan, the site manager for the Big Feastival, would also like us to send out a big thank you to those who worked with DC Site Services at Big Feastival, the team giving 110% to compensate for absences.

As always, please keep your eyes peeled for new festivals and events being added to our event calendar as we move into the autumn and winter!

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We have loved working with you all this year and as I have mentioned Joanne and her team have been a real asset to our concerts. If there is anyway we could have her back next year – that would be amazing!

Lisa Ward, Revival Productions
Classic Ibiza