
In less than a week we'll be at the 2014 Glastonbury Festival!

Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2014

DC Site Services working at Glastonbury Festival

With Glastonbury Festival just around the corner it’s time to dust off the wellies and start trying to remember all the things you forgot last year!

Please do make sure you login to DCSS PAAM to check you've confirmed your position, uploaded the necessary documents (as outlined in your info pack), and if required you've contacted us to book a spot on the DC Site Services shuttle bus which will be running on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th June.

If you have any queries regarding your position, arrival date, or what to bring with you please don't hesitate to contact our lovely and talented administrator in the DC Site Services office who will be only too happy to help!

We've put together a quick checklist for you:

  • Do you have your tent (preferably hole free) and have you dusted off your camping equipment?
  • Do you have the appropriate footwear and uniform?
  • Have you arranged your travel there and back?
  • If the shuttle bus is not running when you are due to arrive, have you looked into local taxi firms?
  • Are you ready to have an amazing time working with us at Glastonbury?

If you answered yes to all of the above then we look forward to seeing you there!

If you've not worked at a festival before then we'd recommend heading over and having a read of the Festival Survival Guide written by our friends at the PAAM blog! The guide includes a handy list which will help with your festival packing.

Finally, as a quick reminder here are the individual arrival dates for all Glastonbury teams:

  • 8 Day/Night Clickers Saturday 21st June
  • Chaperone Response Saturday 21st June
  • Campervan and Caravan Marshals Monday 23rd June
  • Chaperones Tuesday 24th June
  • 5 Day/Night Clickers Tuesday 24th June
  • Crossing Points Tuesday 24th June
  • Z-Zone Tuesday 24th or Wednesday 25th June (we recommend the 24th to avoid congestion).

See you at Glastonbury!

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Always contactable, professional, keen to help with a joyful attitude

Sean Mcloughlin
Metal Culture