Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

As announced in our recent news we've begun allocating event jobs for the 2014 Glastonbury Festival!
If you've applied and paid a deposit to work with DC Site Services at Glastonbury you should have received an email asking you to confirm your position. If you were late in applying, please make sure you check your DCSS PAAM profile regularly to see if you have been allocated a job at Glastonbury.
The next step is for you to confirm your position. This is very straightforward, though we would like to reiterate that this is not an option to rescind your application, it is merely a way to communicate to DC Site Services that you are aware of your job allocation e.g. we don't need to chase you about it!
As always our standard Terms and Conditions regarding event job cancellations apply.
Following the confirmation of your position you will need to check the Glastonbury Festival Event Info section of your DCSS PAAM account for your team's information pack. The pack will outline all information you will require to attend and work at the festival.
There seems to be some confusion with arrival dates so to clarify:
- The dates 21st - 30th June are the broadest dates that DC Site Services will be onsite at Glastonbury Festival.
- Your team arrival dates are clarified under Arrival & Briefing Times in the info pack.
Finally, as one last quick reminder, please make sure that your contact details are up to date on your DCSS PAAM profile, this will benefit you as much as it will DC Site Services if we should need to get a hold of you at short notice. We will continue to contact all event staff with incomplete DCSS PAAM profiles, so to stay ahead of the curve please double check that your profiles are up to date.
If you have any queries relating to your position, your profile, or being allocated a job with a friend, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!