Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014

All at DC Site Services would like to send out a very Happy New Year to all of our festival and event staff! We hope you all had a great break and wherever you are it's a little warmer than where we are!
We're a few months away from the 2014 festival season getting into full swing but the rumours about who will be playing where are already hitting the festival press!
If you'd like to find out more head over to the PAAM festival staff blog and have a read of their new 2014 Festival Rumours post. The new post from PAAM talks about the bands rumoured to be joining us at the 2014 Glastonbury Festival, where the Arctic Monkeys will be heading in 2014, when to catch Aerosmith, and where to head if you're an Iron Maiden or Metallica and more!