
Explaining DC Site Services' wages and payroll

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Explaining DC Site Services' wages and payroll

We've been receiving a lot of questions from our festival and event staff about wages and payroll - the majority of these questions can be answered with a little information about how we run payroll so please read through the below before getting in touch.

The DC Site Services' working week starts on a Sunday and finishes on a Saturday.

For the majority of our event staff we run payroll fortnightly.

Each member of staff needs to submit a timesheet each week, covering the 7 day period Sunday to Saturday, submitted to the office on the following Monday.

Once a fortnight payroll is run. At the beginning of the week all timesheets submitted by staff up to and including those submitted on the previous Monday are input into the payroll system. Payments for these timesheets are processed on the following Friday.

This means that for many festivals and events you will receive your pay for a single event within two separate payroll runs.

We realise this is a change on previous years but we have to be very strict with how we run payroll due to the governments new RTI system.

We hope this goes some way to explaining how and when you'll be paid for your work with DC Site Services.

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Your guys did a fantastic job at Finsbury Park so thanks a lot to you and your team!

Roy Morley
Site Event Logistics Ltd on behalf of SJM Concerts