
DCSS PAAM Event Staff Profile Updates

Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

DC Site Services PAAM event staff software - PAAM logo over festival crowd photo

We've noticed that many of you are yet to fully update your DCSS PAAM staff profile.

Please make sure that ALL FIELDS are completed in your profile, including the Your Files section which should include the completed first page of your P46 and your entitlement to work in the UK documents.

Please note that you will also need to bring the ORIGINAL entitlement to work in the UK documents with you to Glastonbury Festival - we will have a safe on-site to store this sensitive information.

Please also keep checking our website and social feeds for upcoming festival and event job updates this summer!

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Just a quick note to say thank you for sending a great team on site last week. Under terrible conditions over the weekend they did a fantastic job.

Maggie Swain
Castle Media