
Festivals and Events in the US

Posted on Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2013 Best US Music Festivals Guide

We hope everyone is doing well and would like to send out our thanks for all of your applications for 2013 festival and event jobs so far!

We do still have positions at most of the events we're supplying event staff and volunteers to in 2013 - if you're yet to apply for event work with us please head over to DCSS PAAM where you can apply for the festival and event jobs you're interested in.

In 2013 DC Site Services will be working with festivals and events all over the UK, and although we're yet to break the US you never know! If you've ever wondered what the US has to offer festival wise head over to the PAAM Event Management Software blog and have a read of their new Best 2013 US Music Festivals post!

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Thanks to Sam and the team, who did a great job this year, the land owners are very happy and the site was cleanest it has ever been during the event, a combination of your team and the green goblets.

Mark Gardiner, Production Manager
2000 Trees