Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2024

We’re several small events into the season, fast approaching the point where it really kicks off and we’re working back-to-back festivals. If you haven’t logged into your DCSS PAAM profile since receiving the notification mail that you have been assigned to work, we recommend doing so. Do you know what team you’re on yet? Working days or nights? Your profile will tell you!
If you’re new to DC Site Services or the festival industry in general, below are some helpful (essential!) hints and tips for the joyful chaos which is about to ensue…
Warm weather:
Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water; the NHS recommends drinking 1.2 litres of water per day (six to eight glasses), but this increases when the temperature does.
Avoid dehydrating liquids such as alcohol, coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks (apologies to the caffeine addicts out there)
Wear protective, loose clothing. We all know what the British public are like as it hits 20C, suns out gun out, but it’s actually a good idea to cover up. Any exposed skin is liable to burn. We recommend wearing lightweight, light-coloured, and loose-fitting clothing.
Cool down. Use a damp towel or bandana to wipe your face or place around your neck. Put your wrists under cold water to cool down.
Slather on your factor 50. It's likely you’re going to need a high factor, factor 15 won’t cut it at the height of summer. Try to avoid getting sunburn. Needless to say, it makes sleeping uncomfortable.
Bring a hat. Wide-brimmed hats like cowboy hats are ideal and look pretty cool.
Look after yourself and keep any eye on others. Be alert to signs of heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, sunburn, and heatstroke. Know what to look for and check on other workers that might be at high risk. Educate yourself using the NHS website.
Avoid direct sun where possible. Find shade or block out the sun with an umbrella.
As always, if someone looks unwell, seek medical assistance immediately. Don’t overexert yourself. Pace yourself. Slow down and work at an even pace. Know your own limits and ability to work safely in heat.
Other weather considerations:
Don’t trust any waterproof jackets to be totally waterproof. They may keep you dry but the phone in your pocket would not agree!
Never trust the weather. It’s very tempting to leave your shoes and other items outside your tent when its blazing hot but you may regret it in the morning when they’re covered in dew.
Close your tent when you start your shift. This may seem obvious, but you would be amazed how many people return to flooded tents.
Don’t camp at the bottom of a hill – otherwise you may get swept up in a mini-tsunami should the heavens open.
Don’t camp near rowdy groups if you want to get some good quality kip in.
Make sure that the ground is even and not lumpy; sleeping is awkward if you’ve got a lump sticking in your back.
Never camp downwind of the toilets unless you are nose blind but avoid camping too far away from the toilets in case you need to make a mad dash in the darkness to use the loo.
Aim for a spot away from walkways or paths as you are less likely to be woken up by early or late risers.
If you’re working a night shift, try to camp under the cover of trees as they block out daylight and provide cooler sleeping conditions during the daytime.
Customise your tent with glow sticks so you can easily find you way back to your own tent.
Camp with people on the same shift as you – this means that people returning to the campsite for their breaks won’t wake you up.
Practise putting up and packing your tent away at home.
General advise:
Waking up early is honestly very rewarding. You’ll be first in the food queue, have time for a shower and be able to enjoy a brew without making your team late.
Don’t party too hard on the first night, everyone makes that mistake, save your energy for when the festival/event kicks off.
Bring your own alcohol, bars at festivals are REALLY expensive. Drink responsibly though, working with a hangover is not advisable.
Take your Team Leaders phone number- you may need to get in contact with them during your shift.
We understand that putting down your tent after a festival or event can be exhausting but after witnessing the devastation left over from a festival first-hand; please respect the environment, take your tent home.
If you’ve any questions about your allocated positions or applications, simply contact our admin team who are more than happy to help!