
Staff Surveys 2019, Coming Soon!

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2019

It’s that time of year again! We’ve swapped out our wellies and obligatory festival bum-bags for slipper booties and earmuffs as the temperatures drop and we take stock of the past summer. The best indicator we have to do this? Asking our event crew, you, for your thoughts and feelings in the form of a handy dandy staff survey.

We want to know what you feel worked well, what didn’t and what procedures may require just a little TLC.

What roles do you prefer and why? Was the information you received pre-event adequate enough to get you onto site? How’d you feel about the staff welfare facilities? We’d like to know all of this and more, because the best way to continuously improve how it is we operate as a company is to hear from the people who work with us, our boots on the ground!

Following the successful response from last year’s surveys, we will once again include a prize draw (right in time for Christmas!) More details will follow soon, so keep an eye on your email box!

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I wanted to send a personal message of thanks to you and your team for all their hard work in assisting with the delivery of the broadcast recording at Whitby Abbey. 

From my perspective, I tried incredibly hard to impress on everyone involved in the production just how important it was to ‘leave no trace’ and I have been thrilled to hear the feedback that has suggested we were largely successful in that quest.  The way the venue was kept spotless and ‘sanitised’ is a credit to you and your on-site colleagues – so well done.

It was an absolute pleasure to work with DC Site Services again and both Frankie and I look forward to doing so again in the future.

Dick Tee
EnTEEtainment Ltd