
Upcoming Events!

Posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Upcoming Events!

The Event Calendar is filling out from March onwards and applications are steadily coming in, make sure to submit yours sooner rather than later so you don’t miss out on the shows you’d like to join us at!

For those of you based in the north, you have the chance to get a head start with the season by applying to work at the Drive-in Movies in Scotland this February. Don’t hesitate to get in contact if this is something you’re interested in.

If you’re based further south, why not join us at Elrow London. We’ll be returning to Tobacco Docks in March (and then again in April!) with both stewarding and litter positions which are available to apply for now. Signup with a friend and enjoy the party together!

I just wanted to send out a big thank you to you and your team for all the work you and the team put into helping make the traffic and transport operation work so well this year.

As it was a pleasure having DC site services as part of our team. I think the GFEL team of contractors is the envy of a lot of events in the way we all support each other and it was noted by some observers that stated the following :- 

"simply put, GFEL’s off-site traffic management plan was delivered and managed in a totally consistent and defensible manner that sought to promote good practice, collaboration and road safety to the benefit of all road users."

The DC are big part of that delivery and should take some of the credit for that delivery.

Steve Russell-Yarde, Off-site Traffic Manager
Glastonbury Festival